GRANTS WISHES Inc. A 501C(3) non profit

We grant 2nd wishes to kids who relapse with cancer or endure never ending treatments.

Corporate Help & Support

We have many unique opportunities for corporations and businesses to partner with GRANTS WISHES,
building a long lasting relationship. 

Corporate Support

Wish Sponsorship – You can sponsor the 2nd wish of a child when they need it the most after their cancer has relapsed, by making a corporate donation.   $500 quarter wish - $1000 half wish - $2000 full wish

Event Underwriting - You and or your company underwrite/ host the costs of the 2014 Event.  Download 2014 Sponsorship Information

                $5,000 Event Sponsor: Includes 16 guests w/reserved seating, full page color ad* & full recognition (FMV $3700)

                $2,500 Benefit Sponsor: Includes 10 guests w/reserved seating, full page b/w ad* & full recognition (FMV $1700)

                $1,500 Appetizer - Cocktail Hour Sponsor: Includes full page b/w ad* & full event recognition (FMV $1500)

                $500-$2000 / Wish Sponsor:  Included in Program*, Future Newsletter, Wish, & Website recognition (100% tax deductible)

                $1,000/ Platinum Table Sponsor:  Includes 8 guests & name recognition in event materials* (FMV $600)

               $750/ Gold Table Sponsor:  Includes 6 guests & name recognition in event materials* (FMV $450)

               $500/ Silver Table Sponsor:  Includes 4 guests & name recognition in event materials* (FMV $300)

                $250/ Star Table Sponsor:  Includes 2 guests & name recognition in event materials* (FMV $150)

                        Advertise in the 2014 Annual Grants Wishes Event Tribute Program:

(Please provide camera ready artwork or PDF file to us by 11/10/2014*)


__________$ 750.00   Full Page ad in black/white*         __________$ 250.00   Quarter Page ad in black/white*    

 __________$ 500.00   Half Page ad in black/white*        __________$ 100.00    Business Card / ad: 3.5” x 2”in b/w*

                                             __________$ 75.00   Memory / Dedication quarter page in b/w*


Event Sponsorships – Provides recognition and acknowledgment for corporate sponsors on our website, event mailings, event brochure and at the sponsored event .

·        Fall 2014 Event * November 21, 2014 at Black Gold Golf Club Yorba Linda 6:00-11:00 pm

Live & Silent Auction Donations - included in the event brochure   Download 2014 Donation Form
Host your own fundraiser
- Get your employees involved with unique opportunities within your company or organization like “GREEN FOR JEANS", "CASH FOR CASUAL DRESS DAYS", or a Recycling Program to benefit GRANTS WISHES.

Host your own event - Your company or organization can create an event to benefit GRANTS WISHES.   It can be as simple as a car wash or recycling drive, or as involved as a golf tournament or Corporate event.

United Way - If your company participates in a workplace giving campaigns please select GRANTS WISHES as your donor option.  Your local United Way will then forward your gift directly to GRANTS WISHES 

 Matching Funds – Please submit your matching funds form with your donation. We have received matching funds from Prudential Insurance, Wells Fargo, UBS and AIG to name a few.
Honor Donation - Make a donation in honor of your family, friends, employees and business associates with donations made in their honor or to honor their memory.  We will send a note reflecting your donation in their honor.
Gift Card Donations – We could use gift cards to Jamba Juice, Starbucks, Fast Food and Chain restaurants, ITunes, Best Buy, Target and Bed Bath & Beyond, to be given to the child in addition to their wish to meet additional needs.
Gifts in Kind - We often need specific items for our Wish Kids like  Microsoft Office Student Addition, laptops for our kids to use for school work and entertainment, the latest releases in DVD’s for kids of all ages 1-21, and IPods, are just a few examples that your company may be interested in donating.

Volunteer OpportunitiesJoin our Smile Squad.  We depend on our volunteer's skills and talents that do everything from wish planning, wish granting, grant writing, helping with events and administration, and many other areas of expertise. You and your employees can volunteer too.  We meet monthly to give volunteers the opportunity to choose how they would like to contribute given their area of interest and time available in the upcoming month.